How to Access Instagram on a PC
Instagram has generally been used in iOS or Android platforms. This article is for those Instagram lovers who want to explore the cool Instagram from their PC.
So the basic idea behind this article is providing a iPhone/android type platform for your PC so that you can access Instagram on your PC. Here are a few methods on how to access Instagram on your PC.
Instagrille(Windows Instagram is known as Instagrille)
- 1Visit this site to download Instagrille Installer. [ Click To Download ]
- 2Run the installer. Pokki window will appear, click next on it to start the installer.
- 3After the installing finishes you will find two icons on your taskbar-one of pokki and other of Instagrille.
- 4Click on Instagrille for first time run. Click on the user profile icon on top right corner.
- 5A login window for Instagram will appear. Login with your Instagram ID and password.
- 6Congratulations! You just installed Instagram on your PC.
Webstagram(Instagram as browser app inside a website)
- 1Visit the site here [2].
- 2Login using your Instagram user ID and password. If you are already logged in then the application will ask for authorization.
- 3Congratulations! You can now use Instagram on your PC.
Webbygram (Instagram duplicate)
- 1Visit the site here [3].
- 2Use the same procedural logging through your Instagram user ID and password.
- 3You can now use Instagram on your PC.
- In above three platforms one cannot upload images and apply filters to the images, however they can do the rest of the things like browsing and commenting. Also they do not provide any sign up through PC, You need to have a Instagram account before you try these platforms.
Bluestacks (Software that provides an Android/iPhone type environment to the PC)
- 1Install the Bluestacks software for your windows. After this download Instagram app for Android/iPhone and double click the .apk file. This will auto install itself on Bluestacks.
- 2Open Bluestack library and launch the Instagram app. Login using your Instagram user ID and password. If you don't have an account then you can sign up through Instagram app.
- 3Congratulations! You can now use Instagram on your PC.
- 4In Bluestack platform users get a chance to sign up unlike other three platforms.
Instagram Web Profiles
- 1Apparently you can also access Instagram on your PC via web by visiting your Instagram web profile on Instagram web by writing the following address in your browser - ,here replace "username" with your user name.Instagram web profile on Instagram web by writing the following address in your browser - www.
- 2If your profile is private then it will show that the account is private otherwise it will show your uploaded photos. Just log in with your Instagram account and explore.
- 3You can even check out if a user is private user or not by visiting their Instagram web address.
- 4Congratulations! You can now browse your Instagram pictures and can even comment or delete comment on your Instagram photos. This how a web Instagram profile looks like while being public or when you follow a private user.