How To Optimize Image For Better SEO

 How To Optimize Image For Better SEO 

Do you know that image on your blog can drive lot of traffic to your blog but for this we need to optamise image for better Seo.In this post I will try to give you several easy way by which you can increase chances of your blog image to show in search results.

Giving Alt Text To Image

Search Engine spider can't recognition what's going on in picture,If your picture is not having Alt Text then Search Engine Spider will ignore that image and it will cause harm to blog SEO.Alt Text is the text that the search engine uses to understand images.

alt="Baby Crying" />

In above text box red color green color text is known as alt text here you can insert any text according to your image.Blogger and WordPress both are providing a tool by which we can add alt text to our blog image easily.

How To Give Alt Text To Blogger Image
If you are blogger user then follow below step to give alt text to your blog images-
  • After Uploading Image to Blogger,Just click on image and you will see several option to optamize image.
  • Just Click On Properties Link.
click here
  • After Clicking On It A Pop-out will appear in which you will find way to add image Title And Alt Text Just fill it according to your image and click on ok button.

write anything
How To Give Alt Text To WordPress Images

If you are WordPress user then follow below steps to add Alt Text to your blog images.

  • While Uploading Image to to your blog you will find several option to optamise your image just remember to fill Alt Text And Image Title.

File Name Of Image Should Be Proper

Before Uploading Image to your website check that file name of image should explain image.For example if your image is having picture of Talking tom then the file name should be Talking Tom.If you are adding proper file name to your image then there will me more chances of your blog image to show up on search engines results.

title of guest posting

Optimize Image With Tools

There are several tools on web which help to optimize your image for better seo,this tools are just decreasing file size of your image by which your image can load fast.If you want to Optimize you image with this type of tools then follow below steps-

  • Go To Image Optimizer
  • Now Upload Your Image which you want to optimize for better seo.
  • You can also change output format of image.
  • Finally click on Optimize button and result will appear in front of you.
After following above steps you will see change in traffic of your blog.For More SEO Tips and Tricks Just Subscribe Our Blog.

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